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Leadership Academy

An integral part of our learner's experience throughout school is the development of leadership potential. During S1, all students have one dedicated period per week of Leadership in which they explore their values and leadership skills. The S1 programme is focussed on core school values, and aims to give students the confidence to achieve their potential. The focus is on developing team work, initiative and resilience. Beginning in S1, pupils are given the opportunity to apply for leadership roles, and there are leadership positions available throughout their school career. There is an application process for students to apply for these roles, in order to offer a flavour of the world of work from an early age.

Some of the leadership roles available to students from S1-S5

  • Whole school ambassadors
  • Curricular ambassadors
  • Rights respecting schools ambassadors
  • Eco ambassadors
  • Diversity ambassadors
  • Junior Sports captains (S3)
  • Junior House captains (S3)
  • Pupil Parliament representatives.