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Pupil Support - Guidance

Guidance is a very high priority and each pupil is supported by a Principal Teacher (PT) Pastoral for their House. Pupils often refer to them as their Guidance teachers. Every effort is made to place pupils from the same family in the same house and with the same Principal Teacher throughout their time in school. This enables the teacher and the family to get to know one another and helps to establish a strong link between home and school.

The PT Pastoral is the first point of contact for parents and carers if there are any problems or questions. Pupils can contact their teacher directly or via the school office. Pupils will see their Guidance teacher once a week in their Learner Journey period as well as for one to one interviews during the school year.

  • Miss M. Allison - Turfford House
  • Ms E. Rome - Teviot House
  • Miss C. Fleming -Tweed House
  • Mr A. McKenzie - Leader House
  • Mrs G. McGinlay - Eden House

Principal Teachers Pastoral have a supportive, caring and counselling role and assist pupils in a range of ways:

  • Supporting the transition from primary school
  • Supporting wellbeing and caring for those facing difficulties
  • Monitoring academic progress and attainment
  • Monitoring and encouraging wider achievement
  • Monitoring and supporting attendance and time-keeping
  • Liaising with partner agencies: School Health, Quarriers, Social Work, Skills Development Scotland, CAMHS
  • Liaising with support agencies such as CHIMES, Stable Life, Rape Crisis, Relationship Scotland
  • Offering advice on course and subject choices
  • Assisting with applications and providing references
Developing the Young Workforce

Principal Teachers Pastoral support pupils with their choice of course and career decisions. The school is fortunate to have excellent links with Skills Development Scotland and the support of a career adviser. At key stages in the year there are lunchtime ‘drop-in’ sessions for any pupil wanting careers information. At other times, pupils can make a careers appointment by speaking to Mrs Hutchison or their Guidance teacher. The Careers Adviser attends Parents’ Evenings for S2, S4, S5 and S6 and is available for consultation.

University/College Applications/References

When young people are ready to apply for a place at University or College, they see their Guidance Teacher to get advice on completing their application.

When the form has been completed the student meets with their Guidance Teacher to discuss the completion of the reference. Teachers are consulted on current courses and the student's reports over recent years are checked. (All students intending to leave school receive an "applications pack" giving information on the help available.)