HT Weekly Update
Latest updates from Mr Johnson, Headteacher. Updates on pupil achievements, events that have recently taken place, upcoming events and more....
What happened last week?
Monday and Tuesday were a holiday and the school was closed.
On Wednesday we hosted our Community Tea Party where members of the local community were treated to some hospitality and musical accompaniment.
Also on Wednesday our S3 Hockey team were narrowly defeated by Kelvinside Academy in the Scottish Hockey Challenge Plate.
On Thursday we hosted our S5/6 Parents' evening which was a very well attended event. Feedback was gathered by young people and the comments were extremely positive. We will continue to develop our engagement with parents/carers to ensure we are helping you support your child(ren) as best you can.
What's coming up this week?
There will be Year Group assemblies from Mr Johnson and the Year Head's. The theme of the assemblies are uniform, expectations, upcoming events such as the Church Services, Dances, prelims etc
Throughout the week we have our Christmas Dances:
- S1/2 on Monday evening 7pm - 10pm
- S3/4 on Wednesday evening 7pm - 10pm
- S5/6 on Friday evening 7:30pm - 10:30pm
S6 have their Christmas lunch on Wednesday.
We have 2 excursions this week:
- Level 5 Creative Industries Trip – Tuesday
- Higher RMPS class trip to Samye Ling Buddhist Centre - Thursday